Congratulations On Purchasing Music for Light WorkΒ  – Upsell 2 !

Congratulations And Welcome To Music for Light WorkΒ !

Please access your purchase from the links below:

The Earth Connection Root

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here


Sensual Light Sacral

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here


Sun Salutation Solar Plexus

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here


Heartfelt Depth Heart

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here


Divine Truth Throat

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here


The Seer Third Eye

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here


Trust Faith Crown

Option 1: 12 minutes

Download Here

Option 2: 60 minutes

Download Here