Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Affirmations

What is it?

Two powerful divine masculine & divine feminine affirmation tracks featuring high frequency music to train your subconscious mind to think and feel positive about your relationship to yourself and a romantic partner.

Who’s it for?

  • Men & Women who are ready to take their relationships to the next level of intimacy, vulnerability, trust and nurture.
  • Heart centred warriors & goddesses who have been hurt in the past but want to make a loving connection with significant other
  • Men & Women who keep getting caught up in toxic relationships who just want to find someone who will care for their feelings

Here is what you get:

  • 2 digital MP3 download with meditative instructions backed by 432 Hz healing music that is designed to entrain your brainwaves for optimal receptivity

This will help you:

  • Connect with yourself on a deeper level
  • Understand how to love and accept yourself
  • Attract your ideal lover
  • Feel empowered within yourself and in your relationship with your lover

It works by:

  • Retraining your Mindset so you begin thinking like the person you would like to become
  • Directly communicating to your unconscious mind who will drive you towards the desired outcome
  • Unlocking emotional blocks
  • Highlighting areas of your life that need to be addressed or healed.

Here is what to do next:

  • Purchase this MP3
  • Play it every morning as soon as you wake up, before getting out of bed
  • You may also choose to listen to it at night, right before you go to sleep
  • Notice the subtle but powerful changes in your experience
  • Notice any past relationship traumas that may surface during this time (these are showing up because they need to healed or there is a message for your growth)

Make the decision that you will do whatever it takes to reach new levels of self love and acceptance

PS. When you listen to the affirmation tracks consistently you will see results quickly

“Everything you would like to attract in a lover, must first reside within you. When the energy you put out matches the energy you would like to receive, it is drawn to you magnetically.” – Anthea Spark